We believe that bringing abundant natural light deep into every building is an essential component of a well-designed, happy home. This is especially relevant in northern climates that are often dark during the winter months. We accomplish this by judiciously placing windows and walls in relation to available daylight, by adding clearstories, transoms, skylights and roof monitors to admit and reflect light. We also incorporate carefully considered artificial lighting into our buildings to create the impression of daylight where needed.
Defining a strong sense of place is also an essential component of a "happy" home. We accomplish this by carefully considering the entire site during the design process; not just viewing the building as an isolated object. We break down the barriers between inside and outside to create rooms that bridge interior functions with landscape features by creating courtyards, terraces, water features and framed views. The result are buildings that are unique, deeply personal and endearing to all who experience them.
Finally, we believe that Modernism is about buildings that function the way we use them in the 21st century. Form, detail and material should be streamlined and well resolved; not overly complex, loud or trendy. The resulting timeless Modernism is key to creating lasting value and assuring that today's masterpiece is not tomorrows outdated has-been.
G R O U P S W E S U P P O R T: Seattle Art Museum, The Methow Conservancy, Confluence Gallery & Art Center, Facing Homelessness / The Block Project, Treehouse For Kids, Save The Children, The Smile Project